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FIR Sauna 

Your skin is your LARGEST organ of elimination and it is critical to address it during any cleanse. To achieve optimal results, it’s important to detox the skin at the cellular level with the help of a Far InfraRed Sauna, or FIR. Sitting in a FIR sauna 30 minutes 3 times a week will illicit results beyond expectation. Whatever doesn’t make it out the colon tries to make it out of the skin, so combining a colonic and then following up with a sauna session will have you feeling on top of the world. During a cleanse, as many combinations you can do of the colonic and sauna, the greater energy and release of toxins you’ll have. The following is some further information on the history and benefits of the FIR sauna.

For hundreds of years, people have recognized the therapeutic benefits of the sauna.

FIR Dry Heat Saunas work with radiant energy, just like what you feel when you step into the sunlight on a cold day. There’s no need to heat the air, in fact the front window opens for ventilation. The suede-flocked heating panels are safe to touch. The entire cabin is ready to use in about 5-30 minutes (Depending on how hot one wants it) — unlike 60 minutes for traditional saunas, and the unit consumes one-tenth the electricity!

The far-infrared heat penetrates deep: up to three inches below the skin for stimulation you can really feel, and health benefits you can really appreciate.

Front view of empty fir sauna infrared sauna room.

​Studies have shown that the increased circulation promoted by these saunas...

  • helps ease joint pain and stiffness

  • reduces the painful buildup of lactic acid in the muscles after a long workout

  • provides cardiovascular conditioning

  • burns off calories

  • speeds cellulite loss

  • helps you detoxify

  • helps you sweat out cholesterol, fat, soluble toxins and heavy metals

  • stimulates the body’s natural immune system

  • improves skin tone, elasticity, and color

  • and feels great!

Why we LOVE our FIR Sauna

1. It uses a therapeutic level of heat.  Studies have shown that the higher heat the greater the health benefit.

2. The wood used is Ceder.  And there are no toxic glues, stains or chemicals used in the construction of the sauna

3. Our sauna manufacture is one of the few that has taken extra steps to lower the radiation levels within the sauna. 

FIR for Detoxification

Most harmful effects are reversible when we reduce our toxic load! And sweating is THE most effective and efficient way to do so.  Many of the most common environmental toxins have been measured in sweat, in comparison to the levels in blood and urine.  


The heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury, organochlorine pesticides including DDT, DDE, methoxychlor, endrin, and endosulfan sulfate, the plasticizers biphenyl A and phthalates, and the flame retardant PBDE, have all been shown to be present in sweat in higher concentrations than are present in the blood (2, 10-13).  This means that not only do these chemicals pass freely from the blood to the sweat, but they are actively concentrated and excreted.  


In many cases the chemicals were present in sweat even when they were not detectable in the blood, which shows that they are actively being transported from their stores (usually in fat cells) into the sweat.  An acclimatized person, who regularly uses an infrared sauna, can sweat up to a liter every 30 minutes (2). 

A study on sauna use for detoxification was done on electrical workers exposed to hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls.  After 3 weeks of a daily intensive sauna detox regimen, the subjects showed 30% reduced hexachlorobenzene levels and 16% lower PCBs (14).

A woman finishing her far infrared sauna treatment
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