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L.E.T or Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

A woman getting lymphatic enhancement therapy


L.E.T is a safe, gentle and effective method of moving and draining the lymphatic system. The brand name of Lymphstar Enhancement Technology, (LET)™ was created in 2006. The term represents a comprehensive technological innovation in wellness and rehabilitation therapy. The company began the development of products utilizing vibrational energy technology in the early 1990s. They have pioneered this breakthrough technology from the complimentary and holistic professions to physical therapy and rehabilitation. And, now, into lymphedema clinics in hospitals and private practice as well as in integrative medical, pain and plastic surgery practices. 

During this  non-invasive procedure that combines both gentle manual stimulation techniques and the use of a machine called the Lymphstar Fusion, one can experience relief from ailments that plague the lymphatic system. This machine is a therapeutic, vibrational massage instrument with 3 energetic modalities.   It uses physical vibration with sonic or acoustic waves, an electro-static field and electro-pressure created by the use of multiple treatment points.  All of these emissions are extremely low in energy so they are gentle and safe.   The lymphatic vessels tune into these energies and respond beautifully by creating enhanced relaxation and detoxification for the body.

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is vital to the body’s immune system. The lymphatic system absorbs toxins and waste products from interstitial tissue. Unlike the heart, the lymphatic system is not pressurized by a muscle or a pump. Therefore the lymphatic system does not flow as quickly as blood does. 

The lymphatic fluid is carried through a complex network to lymph nodes where toxins, metabolic waster products, fat, and excess liquid are filtered and purified by regional lymph nodes. In a congested lymphatic system, the lymph fluid is thick, sticky, and laden with toxins that cannot be properly eliminated.

How does the lymphatic system become congested?
The body contains three times more lymph fluid than blood.

Unlike the cardiovascular system which uses the heart to pump blood for circulation, the lymphatic system relies on exercise or massage to propel lymph fluid through the system. The less we move, the more stagnant the lymph system becomes!

Other factors that lead to poor lymph circulation include:

  • Illness

  • Chemicals and pesticides in food

  • Pollution

  • Stress

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Nutrient poor diets that are high in fat, sugar, and preservatives

lymphatic system digram

How can you detox the lymph system?
Electro-Lymphatic Drainage

Electro-Lymphatic Drainage is a one-hour accelerated method of cleansing and detoxifying the body.

The XP2 is a gentle, non-invasive, light touch therapy that is more effective than manual therapy. Each XP2 session is equivalent of 8-10 manual treatments.

Fun fact: 30% of the body’s lymph nodes are located in the abdomen about 6 inches deep!

Body fluids are conductors of electricity. Congested lymphatic fluid is broken down by utilizing state-of-the-art electro-sound therapy. Lymphatic fluid may then move effortlessly through the lymphatic system allowing you to feel calm and rejuvenated.


Although the following is not a video from our facility, it still gives a great demonstration on what L.E.T can do and the process of it!

How can you detox the lymph system? Electro-Lymphatic Drainage

Electro-Lymphatic Drainage is a one-hour accelerated method of cleansing and detoxifying the body.

The XP2 is a gentle, non-invasive, light touch therapy that is more effective than manual therapy. Each XP2 session is equivalent of 8-10 manual treatments, and is 800% more effective than a lymph drainage massage.

Fun fact: 30% of the body’s lymph nodes are located in the abdomen about 6 inches deep!

Body fluids are conductors of electricity. Congested lymphatic fluid is broken down by utilizing state-of-the-art electro-sound therapy. Lymphatic fluid may then move effortlessly through the lymphatic system allowing you to feel calm and rejuvenated.

The Lymphatic System is a major part of our immune system that our body uses to eliminate unneeded toxins, bacteria, viruses, and cellular waste.

More Important Facts About the Lymphatic System​​


  • Most Chronic Diseases occur at the junction of lymph vessels called lymph nodes

  • Your lymphatic system contains about 600 lymph nodes

  • It is your primary defense against bacteria, viruses and fungus

  • Up to 10X as much viruses reside in the lymph system as the blood

  • Our bodies contain 50% more Lymphatic fluid than blood

  • The Lymphatic System pumps approximately 2-4 liters of lymph fluid each day

  • Lymphatic Organs are the tonsils, spleen, thymus gland and the peyers patches in small intestines

  • 70% of the immune system is found in the intestinal track and is particularly prevalent in the small intestine


FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy?

Most everyone can benefit from Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy! The following common symptoms and conditions can be alleviated within a few sessions of Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy.

  • Headaches

  • Constipation & Bloating

  • Sinus Problems & Congestion

  • Chronic Joint Pains & Body Pains

  • Allergies

  • Asthma & Lung Conditions

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent occurrence of Cold & Flu

  • Persistent Swollen Lymph Nodes

  • Tonsillitis

  • Edema / Excess Water Retention

  • Fibrocystic & Tender Breasts

  • Appearance of Cellulite

  • Enlarged Prostate

What Can I Expect from a Lymphatic Enhancement Session?

L.E.T. is a non-invasive body therapy that requires clients to lay on a massage table, under sheets with some clothing/garments removed. The therapist then administers the body work by placing ionized glass bulbs directly on the skin which are then glided over the skin in rhythmic motions stimulating lymphatic flow and directing lymphatic fluid to the appropriate sites of drainage. Sessions may include work on the face, arms, chest and/or breasts, abdomen, legs and back. Clients are appropriately draped throughout the session, as various body areas are worked. Soft, tranquil music is played in the room and lights are dimmed for an enjoyable experience. Most clients find the experience very relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.

How Long are Lymphatic Enhancement Sessions, and How Many Will I Need?

Typical appointments are  60 minutes in length depending on your areas of concern. You can also schedule Hour and a Half Sessions upon request. We have found that several, consistent sessions (1-2x weekly) over a shorter period (6-8 weeks) of time generally produces the best results. L.E.T. maintenance sessions are generally recommended for optimal lymphatic health. Your lymphatic system is as unique as you are, therefore, individual treatment plans are available for your specific health goals and concerns.

How Will I Feel During and After a Treatment?

Most clients find Lymphatic Enhancement sessions to be very relaxing. Post treatment some people are highly energized for hours while others may feel the need to rest. Each individual is unique and may react differently, but similar to other gentle detoxification therapies you may have an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a mild healing reaction as toxins exit through the natural pathways of the body.

How do I Best Prepare for a Lymphatic Enhancement Treatment?

Drinking adequate amounts of water (6-8 glasses) is recommended before and after each L.E.T. session to assist in the cleansing process. We also ask you to refrain from applying any lotions, oils, creams or perfumes to the body prior to your session in order to achieve the best results.

Is There Anyone Who Should Not Do Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy With This Method?

While L.E.T. is beneficial for many clients, there are a few contraindications for this therapy. Contraindications include:

  • Individuals with Pacemakers, other Implanted Medical/Electrical devices, or medicine pumps

  • Pregnancy

  • Congestive Heart Failure

  • Individuals with known blood clots or history of blood clots

  • Undiagnosed lumps or tumors

  • Some cosmetic implants and cosmetic injections/ fillers (such as Botox) for cosmetic or medical purposes

  • Active skin infections, or open wounds at time of treatment

Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session will assist our Lymphatic therapists in determining if L.E.T. is an appropriate therapy for your individual needs and concerns. Certain pre-diagnosed conditions may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment

Look What Are People Saying About Lymphatic
Enhancement Therapy


“I was having an asthma attack when we started. In 30 minutes my symptoms were gone.”

Weight Loss

“I have lost 4” in my pants waist size! Your treatments are the only thing I’ve done differently. I love it!”

Acid Reflux/ Sleep

“Chemotherapy has given me so many tough side effects. Your treatments each week have greatly reduced many symptoms, including the acid reflux at night so I sleep better.”

Emotional Release

“I have had chronic lower back/pelvic pain for 13 years that is now 95% resolved after only one session of lymphatic release work with M…. Very powerful work and the rest of my body is eagerly awaiting the same results! “I feel like a weight, literally has been lifted from my body. I have more energy and less aches and pains in my body. Emotionally this work has freed up old stored up feelings that are in a much more balanced state. I can access and then express my feelings much easier and my intuition is much stronger and I trust my gut feelings. A lot of the thickness I felt around my midsection and breasts as dramatically decreased. I don’t feel as bloated and my elimination process is much better.”

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